Irish Cuisine Customs

  • Emphasis on consumption of meat, cereals, breads, and potatoes
  • Meals are high in protein and low in fruits and vegetables
  • Four meals are eaten throughout the day: breakfast, dinner (what we know to be lunch), tea, and supper
  • Fish, especially salmon, is very popular
  • Irish immigrants brought to North America the hearty "Meat & Potatoes" cuisine
  • A traditional Irish dish is Colcannon. It was introduced to the United States in the 1800s, coinciding with the influx of Irish immigrants
  • Breakfast is a large meal: Oatmeal Porridge, eggs, bacon, homemade bread, butter, and preserves. 
  • A strong black tea with milk and sugar is served with every meal
  • Lunch is the main meal of the day, eaten at home with family: hearty soup, meat, potatoes, vegetables, bread and dessert
  • Afternoon tea and a light supper are the two remaining "meals"